Thursday, May 13, 2010

Why Give Love a Chance?

You wonder why the world at large has not known peace in its true sense of it, because love has not been displayed in its true sense.

Many a times, we take accepting people for what we like in them as love. No! This is no true love. It can be referred to as conditional love. What if we wake up tomorrow and those reasons for accepting them initially are no longer there? Then, frustration, fault-finding, and nagging become the order of the day. We therefore end up enduring our love life instead of enjoying it.

When the reason for you being happy in a relationship is because those things you like are still existing, then get ready for a shocker because every relationship goes or passes through its testing period. It is only the power of true love that can sustain that relationship when the windy period comes.

Consider you marrying your spouse for having a good shape and in the course of the marriage he or she loses the shape. What becomes of the "love" you profess to have for him or her?
What then do we need to avoid such an occurrence? We need to give love a chance.
Tips on why we need to give love a chance.

When true love is not given a chance in any relationship, then we pay for it with our time, feelings and money. Time: Yes! Time will be paid because one will need to spend more time on things one considers as a substitute to the missing love. Some spend more time working and get engrossed with their jobs that they hardly have time for something else. Guess what! This is no solution for nothing can take the place of true love. Being a workaholic will only lead to more frustrations, condemnation and worries deep inside of you.

Feeling: Yes! This is the worst payment you can make. The reason is not far fetched. We are created with feelings and it must be filled with something. There is a room for emotion in the heart of every sane human being which longs for occupancy. The right occupant of that emotional room is true love. When true love is missing, one feels so empty and unfulfilled. Rather than having a feeling of love, boredom takes over. The vacuum of true love will then be filled with heart breaking thoughts which lead to many sicknesses and diseases. Diseases that affect the heart, muscles, appetite and even sleep.

It is so pathetic to know that most people die of diseases given other names to but are caused by absence of true love.

Money: This is the inevitable payment one makes when true love is lacking. Hard earned money will eventually be spent on drugs to cure diseases caused by lack of true love. So painful! Is it not better then if we pause to consider giving true love a chance to thrive that we may avoid spending our hard earned money on drugs?

We can live healthily, the world at large can have peace if true love is given a chance.
If accepting my partner or people for what I like in them is not true love but conditional love, what then is true love?

To know what true love is and what we stand to gain for having true love, visit the recommended website below.

Tips on Writing a Romance Novel

A romance novel or story is anything that revolves around matters of the heart, relationships and the like. Perhaps some of the greatest novels in the history may or may not be a true story. Most of these written are fiction and perceived by the author's imagination. The main purpose of writing such a story is to communicate all the happenings between the two people mentioned before they experience their unconditional love and unswerving emotion towards each other.

The act or rather the feeling of love is very dramatic. Writing and relaying a fictional story that focuses on the difficulties of the main characters is what an author or writer has to attain with excellence. These are usually related in such a way that it depicts all the wonderful and beautiful things about love, as well as imparts important lessons about life. Love has to be conquered and can sometimes be elusive.

There are some love stories that have a typical sad climax and happy conclusion while there are some that have a happy climax and a sad ending. Though the stories differ in endings in terms of emotions and conflicts, they are still love stories just the same. As in other literary scopes, these involve numerous sub genres. All the different angles will clearly be seen when exploring love's wonderful literature. Love is difficult to manage in real life and can sometimes be so unpredictable.

It is hoped that these fictional stories will mirror the real life events so that the readers may get some pointers on what to do in such instances. It also hopes that the story will spread so that more and more people will be inspired to love.

The first thing that a writer has to ensure is that the story must be enjoyable and exciting. The story must have a certain twist in order for readers to become interested and excited. The best way to find out whether the romance novel or story is good is to ask from people who have read it.

A well-written novel keeps the readers turning the pages for more, hardly able to put the book down. It keeps them engrossed, makes the time pass quickly, and keeps them guessing for twists until the end. The plot is very compelling and makes you think about the story for a few days after finishing it.

Common Elements to Consider When Writing a Romance Novel

The most common element is the attraction or relationship from the two main characters. It is not always the usual setting where the "boy meets girl" and falls deeply in love with one another. Use your imagination. Think of ways on how to make your story unique. Attraction is the main key. After that, make sure that there are many obstacles on the way. As a result, the common element would be that the boy loses the girl. Another common element is the between fighting all the obstacles and conquering all. The fight may be lost in some parts of the book but there must be a chapter or two that focuses on fighting back. In the end, love must win and conquer all.

Romance Genres

One is historical romance. The story is set in the olden days and revolves around the relationships of kings, queens, pharaohs and other ancient characters.

The category romance genre is commonly a short romance. You can read this kind of book if you have the time. It is easy to read with many interesting sub-plots.

Futuristic or time travel genre works on the present to the past or vice versa and encounters a lot of obstacles along the way. Another type is contemporary romance. Most readers are able to relate to this more because it deals with their present world.

Avoid a Love Breakup - Tips on How to Spot and Avoid a Love Breakup

A love break up can hit you like a freight train. You are standing on the tracks not suspecting a thing, and wham, out of nowhere, it runs you down. Have you experienced this in your love life? You look around and wondered how you couldn't have seen this coming?

Well here are some suggestions on how to prevent that from happening again, and it might even help you mend the problem, and get back together with the one you love.

One of the hardest things to do, is to be able to tell if a person is behaving in a particular way because they want a relationship to be over, or something else just happens to be going on in their life.

For instance you partner might be a very loving person, and prone to hugging and kissing while they are close to you. So if all of sudden this stops, you have to stop and wonder why. But I don't want you thinking the worst right off the bat.

It's possible something is bothering them that has nothing to do with the relationship, so ask some questions but be considerate and loving. If they refuse to give answers, and are cold to you, then they might be thinking of a love break up.

Another way to tell is to gently snuggle up to them, and put your arm around them, if they find some way to get away from you, or turn on you, then your relationship could be in trouble. When a normally affectionate person becomes distant and cold, it is possible they are thinking of leaving.

Of course you know your partner better than anyone, so you must judge for yourself if this behavior is out of place. Don't confuse how they are outside the bedroom with how they are inside the bedroom.

Some people are very affectionate in and out of the bedroom. Others might not show that much out of the bedroom because they are just not comfortable showing their feelings in public. But your sex life is another story.

We all go through up's and down's in this area (no pun intended). Sometimes you can't get enough of each other, and other times it might only be a couple of times a month or less. That's alright, and expected, people can be tired and just not in the mood for all kinds of reasons.

But if there is always a reason, or they don't even give you reason anymore, then there is trouble in the relationship. Again you know your partner better than anyone, so you need to be able read the situation, and decide if it more than it seems.

And last but not least is honesty. Have they been truthful with you? Sometimes people will withhold something from their partner for good reason. It could be for your own protection at the time, or they are planning something that is going to be a surprise for you.

Eventually though they are going to tell you. If you find out they haven't been truthful with you, and it does not fall into the reasons stated above, then you need to find out what is going on. Deceit will kill a relationship, and diminishes the prospect of getting back together.

So sit down with them, and in a compassionate and loving manner, discuss the issues that are causing them to behave this way. If you see the signs, and can get them out in the open early, there is a great chance you can prevent a love break up. And if it has already happened, then it is still possible to rebuild your relationship.

Do you need help now in your relationship? Have you already broken up but would like to get back with your ex? Well you use the same techniques that have worked for thousands of others? Methods you won't find anywhere else? Some so unique you just wont believe they will work?

Write Your Memories to Tell Your Side of the Story - Tips to Get Women Started Writing

No doubt you've heard about the fender bender at the corner of Elm and Second Street. Oh, sure you did. Tom was out in his brand new convertible traveling west. Jane was just coming back from a client meeting; she was going north in her SUV. The two cars came across the intersection at the same time and crashed. There were bits of car strewn all over the road. Six people witnessed the accident. Fortunately no one was hurt.

When the police arrived, Jane and Tom were standing in the middle of the street (blocking traffic in all four directions) arguing and pointing fingers at each other. Angry motorists were shaking their fists. The two officers separated the drivers and each took three bystanders aside to begin the interview process. And what do you think? When they went to compare notes, they found they had eight versions of the accident. How can that be? A chain of events can happen one, and only one, way. The answer, in a word, is perspective.

We'll leave the police to solve that problem and make out their report. We like the story because it sets up the next reason for writing your memoir. This article is part of an ongoing series, and I hope you'll find the inspiration and encouragement you need to try your hand at memoir writing. My co-author of the collective memoir Rosie's Daughters: The "First Woman To" Generation Tells Its Story, Matilda Butler, and I believe that any writer (experienced or novice) who delves into this most versatile genre can find a satisfying niche or a reason for writing that makes sense to her or him.

Back to the reason for this dissect the reason we call "write to tell your side." Have you ever listened to someone tell a story and wanted to correct them? Tell them how they have the story wrong?

Perhaps your older brother loves to tell what a brat you were. But you know that it was the only way you could get heard over the explosive din caused by four older brothers. Maybe your husband tells guests about the wonderful family camping trip, while all you remember is singeing your eyebrows on the propane stove, running out of toilet paper and the night a bear stole the trout you were planning to have for breakfast.

Your sister may describe your life as one filled with lemons. You, on the other hand, may take pride in the way you took those lemons and turned them into lemonade. You're filled with stories of how you made the most of what you had--lessons that could give encouragement to others facing trying times.

Imagine your life as a written story. Then imagine putting the pages through a paper shredder and jamming them into a wastebasket. Others, even those who know you well, could try to put the pages back together. However, just like poor old Humpty Dumpty, they can't. Only you know how your life story fits together. By writing your memoir, you get to tell your side of the story. You get to say how the pieces fit together. After all, only you know how life's experiences affected you. Your siblings, your parents, your friends might tell the same story, might try to tape the strips of life back into the right order, but the resulting story is guaranteed to come out differently. Now there's nothing wrong with different perspectives. Different views. Just as with the traffic accident, everyone thinks they are telling the same story. But point of view is unique. And it deserves to be heard.

Just because you've never written before is no reason not to begin with your personal memories. Go ahead, set the record you see it. Having your say may be reason enough to satisfy you, but you may also be contributing an important piece to your family's record.

Okay, here's a little Bonus Writing Prompt to help get you started: Begin small with an event that has a clear beginning and end. Close your eyes and recall a holiday or special event. Write it first from your perspective. Then try to write it from the point of view of your sibling or your mother. Compare the two stories, and you begin to understand what your unique perspective brings to the story.

Write Your Memories to Remember More of Your Life Story - Tips to Get Women Started Writing

Have you ever thought about writing your life story, or recording an interesting episode in your life, and then thought, who'd want to read about my life? I'm not important enough. I'm not famous. How narcissistic of me to think anyone would care. Stop now; get all those thoughts of unimportance out of your system.

When it comes to writing a memoir, every life is worth capturing in words. You have a unique perspective...your own imagination...and a one-of-a-kind sense of person. Individually our stories complement one another, and together we compose the story of life. So go ahead, ask the tough question: Why should I write about my life? For some people, the answer is easy. They have stories to tell and want to share them with family and friends, and they don't particularly care to distribute beyond that personal zone. Others have lived large, public lives so that writing and publishing a memoir seems a "no brainer."

Would you believe, however, that even the smallest story may be worthy of commercial publication? Lives--all lives--are inherently interesting. How we cope with loss. Overcome hardship. How we express our happiness. Capitalize on opportunity. As people, we find lessons to live by, inspiration and joy in other people's stories. Sometimes extreme adversity in someone else's life allows us to be more appreciative of our own situation. The fact is, people are naturally curious about the lives of other people...famous or not. It's the human story (not the person) we crave. And if we do not claim our own lives, who will? Only we can tell our stories from our perspective. Others can try, but the result will be their story, their version of our lives. My co-author of the collective memoir Rosie's Daughters: The "First Woman To" Generation Tells Its Story, Matilda Butler, and I are often asked about the reasons women write their memoirs. To get the best answer, we asked the same question of our students, published memoirists, and other writing instructors and coaches we know. Here's one of the reasons they all agreed upon: Write to Remember. The more you write, the more you remember. Of course, you know the story you want to tell. However, once you begin to write, you'll find yourself remembering more details. Sometimes you just tap into a storehouse of memories that were there all the time, but were covered in mental dust. The details may be recalled while you are writing, or you may remember them in the days that follow. Then you can go back over your draft and add to it. Alternatively, you'll read a journal you put away years ago and suddenly recall the favorite dress you wore on your first date, the color of wallpaper in your childhood bedroom, or the smell of burning apple pie (the one you left in the oven when your children lured you outside to play ball). So many details that seemed long forgotten will suddenly fill your mind. Embrace all that you recall. I say this because sometimes your memories will bring back the heartaches of life as well as the beautiful moments. Perhaps your mother emotionally abused you. Maybe you had an affair you regret or a conversation that changed your life. A loved one died and left you feeling hollow. It is all of our experiences--the good and the bad--that create the person we are today.

A corollary to write to remember is: write to learn. Perhaps you are telling a story about your close relationship with your grandmother. Once you start writing, you realize you need to do some research. Where was she born? In what year? What did she do to help her family survive the Depression? What happened to her siblings, the ones you never met? How did she make that rich hot chocolate that always made you feel better? You may start your research by finding family records, by searching the Internet, or by interviewing your mother. At the end, you'll know more than you did when you started writing, and the stories about you and your grandmother will be fuller, more detailed, and probably more interesting.

I've given you a key reason to write your memoir, but we all like a little something extra. So here's a Bonus Writing Prompt: Find a photograph of when you were young. Write a story based on the memories it triggers. Where were you? How old were you? What did you like to do at that age? What was your favorite toy? You'll take your mind and emotions on an interesting journey.

Wedding Videography - The Best Way to Share Your Love Stories Over Time

Every couple has different love stories to tell to the world. Some may be short-lived romance while other last a lifetime. No matter how it ends, these people keep these memories at hand because soon enough when wedding bells are soon to be rung; everybody will know these stories. A typical love story would start with a simple hello that bloomed into a wonderful friendship and it turned out to be more than that. Others may have their own share of love-hate relationships. So many versions and patterns of it yet all of them are important for the couple. The events that happened in between are what hold them together. In every trial, they can look back at these stories on how they overcome it and these things can make them stronger.

Sharing these love stories are not done out of a heartbeat. You just do not simple shout it out. These stories are treasures that are usually passed on to your kids. And when love is evident on couples, people will surely ask, "How do you keep the flame burning". This could be the start of the conversation. At most, it is shared on the wedding day. Mostly done in the early part of the reception, the introduction of the couples is done by sharing them to the guests. Before, people who knew the couple very well typically do the sharing. Since evolution and technology is immanent to our living, a unique way of telling these stories is through wedding videography.

Sharing love stories has gone high tech. With the use of our video cameras and with the aid of professionals, your love stories can be perfectly captured. The many ups and downs of it will be heard and seen; valuable lessons will be shared. Guests will hear from the couples on how they plan to make their marriage work and what they are planning to do in the future. A real-live drama and comedy could be made out of their experiences that could touch the hearts of the people.

The good thing about this documentary is that you can keep them forever. Despite the fact that families do break-up and married couples undergo divorce, still there are those who hold on in the name of love. There are still some, who remains loyal and faithful to their marriage and has never found reasons to stray away. Until such time, when they reach their silver and golden wedding anniversary celebration, you can still use these videos. You can even collate your stories before the wedding and after the wedding. It is a perfect way to show to your friends how love has kept your family together, may it be 25 or 50 years of marriage.

This wedding videography is long lasting. It really does not matter if your marriage is bound to be broken, but it can really show the happiness that was once felt. And for the couples that are going strong, it is something to keep your memories together from past to present alive. Moreover, it is something for your kids to be proud of at all times. Your love stories can never be told better than this. With the aid of the advances of technology, you bet you could get the best videos there will ever be for your wedding celebration.

Learn to Be Sensational in Bed - Warning! Love Making Tips Most Men Are Neglecting

In this article I'd like to teach you to become sensational in bed. It's pretty simple...and does NOT take some astronomical feats of physical strength, endurance or other stuff you MAY believe she really wants you to show! The truth is that MOST women are simply NOT enjoying sex with their male partners NEARLY as much as they would have you believe....and if You are like most men out there, the chances are, you are probably NOT getting the job done as well as you think! I know, I know....many guys get upset when I say this and think I'm full of you know what....but the FACTS don't lie...and up to 90% of women claim they've FAKED an orgasms with their current partner. (and HALF admit they prefer shopping over sex!)

Be Better in Bed: Simple Tips, Sensational Results

The number #1 secret to becoming a better lover is actually very simple. Slow down. Breathe in. Take your time. Learn the landscape! Foreplay is fabulous. Does this sound trite and cliché? I hope so....because it's TRUE! Most men are under the misguided impression that a woman's body can keep UP with yours from the standpoint of erotic arousal, and orgasmic speed...and it's simply NOT true!

The real key to giving her an experience that is at least EQUALLY as powerful as yours is learning to understand the quiet signs, signals and sensual stories HER body tells when you are in those most intimate moments.

Ambiance is Important Too!

A woman is often far more sensory driven than a man as well when it comes to ambiance and lovemaking environment. Learning to heighten her pleasure by lighting her senses afire is a VERY easy way to speed UP her sensuality, and keep her fire burning at the same temperature as yours! How? Music. Mood. Color and light. These are ALL part of the amazing vortex of visual and sensory stimulations that a woman so desperately craves. Give her all of this and more and REAP the rewards of a very happy woman!

And One Last thing...Remember:

Women admit that they would prefer a man who COMMUNICATES passionately during sex (which means she wants a little lusty dialogue, they want you to learn the landscape a bit better ( understand her body) and they PREFER a man who has a powerful anatomy a thicker penis is preferable You can improve all three of these with JUST a little effort..and in my experience, the REWARDS they offer are EACH worth their weight in earth shaking orgasmic gold.

Guys Love Useful Tips on How to Attract Girls

You look in the mirror and ask yourself why you don't have any luck with the ladies. You are fairly good looking, you can afford to take a woman some place expensive at least twice a month. Most importantly, you are a nice guy. Why oh why do you need to have tips on how to attract women.

The basics should not have to be reviewed. Toothpaste, mouthwash, nails, personal cleanliness, and table manners are things you are aware of and use appropriately. You don't live in your parent's basement if you are past the age of twenty-two. You do have a job.

What does your wardrobe look like? Do you show up wearing a suit when other guys are in khakis and casual shirts? Do you wear sloppy jeans when other guys are putting on suit and tie? Are you different enough to show individuality without being different enough to be considered odd? Most importantly, are you comfortable being yourself?

Do you know what a woman sees when she meets you? Are you too pushy or too laid back? You don't want to make her feel as if you plan to take over her whole life from the first date on. But, don't make her feel you are totally disinterested either. Find some common interests to chat with her about. Ask her opinion. Share yours but not to the point of arguing with her. She will keep talking as long as you show interest.

You know you are special. Make her realize that and she'll be trying to interest you.

Being late is not cool since it makes her feel insignificant. Maybe you should be late if you want to impress a woman who has no sense of self-worth. She is the only woman who will accept such rudeness. Most modern women will be gone if you are a half hour late for a first date. A guy who is sure of himself doesn't need to resort to such objectionable tactics.

He can allow himself to seem desirable cause he is personable and fun to talk with. Yes, maybe being totally hot does come into play on that first date.

It's still acceptable to do those little things that used to be expected as a part of good manners. Open her door, let her walk in first. Nobody expects you to throw down your $400 suit coat in a puddle but it would be cool to carry her over the puddle just for laughs.

Laughs! Laughing is good providing it isn't at someone else's expense. You can share a funny story about how your dog ate the couch while you were out. Don't, however, tell a story about how your ex girlfriend suffered after you broke up with her. We have all been dumped at least once and it's unkind to laugh at someone who acted weird because of losing you.

You wouldn't want to be with a girl who just settles for you because she is desperate. She feels as if you are all she can get and that's not love. If you are a freak who wants to feel subjugated, that is weird. A well adjusted man wants a woman to be his equal. Well almost. He doesn't want her to constantly beat him at arm wrestling.

Let a woman know you are interested but don't move too fast. No woman wants to discuss her wedding to you on the first date. Show you are attracted to her, share a kiss before saying goodnight. However, don't talk about the future together. Happily ever after is a forbidden topic. Wait till the sixth date at the earliest. Two months or longer is even more desirable. Try these tips on how to attract women for better dates.

It can be hard to impress the sexy ladies these days, make sure you're ready. Trying to pick up the sexy ladies at the club checkout these Romantic Pick Up Lines. Sometimes you can be romantic while trying to pick someone up in a bar too.

Waking Up in the Morning - A Love Story

Morning time can really be a pain in the ass for a lot of people. Each day the challenge of waking up in the morning starts anew with one more bleary eyed tribute to sleeping less. The really damning thing about mornings is how important they really are. In fact, they are often an overlooked piece to being more productive in your life. Today's productivity tip is all about getting your ass out of bed in the morning.

Tell me if this sounds familiar to you. You have a 9:00am job that you go to Monday-Friday. Your morning routine starts with your alarm going off at 7:00am (if you're a guy move that to 7:30am). You snooze at least 3x maybe even more depending on if you went out and had cocktails the night before. You finally get up, stare at yourself in the mirror for a couple of minutes and then decide to get ready for the day which includes picking out your clothes, showering, grabbing any work materials that you need and maybe if you have time, you grab something to eat (half the time you forget this step.)

You don't have a garage and when you get to your car during the cold months you realize that you have to scrape your windows. You think to yourself, "damn, why didn't I give myself some time to scrape my windows." The reality is that you don't have time so you do the ever popular move of scraping a little bar of ice off of the front window so that you have a little slit to see out of. If you were driving a tank to work this might be acceptable except you are actually driving a 1998 Honda Accord and it's actually pretty dangerous. You get in the car and head to work.

During your commute, you pray to God that you don't hit any bad traffic, a train crossing etc. Your commute should take 30 minutes but you continue to plan as if it takes 20 minutes and hope that you hit traffic perfectly and hit some spots where you can drive really fast. By the time you arrive at work, it's either time to start or it was time to start 5 minutes ago. You have no plan for your day because you didn't have time and now you need to start working. The whole day passes with the day running you vs you running the day. During the course of the day you forget about meetings, you forget to do things that you reminded yourself needed to be done the day before, projects are late, the boss is on you about a past due project. In short your personal productivity is terrible.

The funny thing about this story is that it has semi-autobiographical overtones. This was me at the beginning of my career, except I drove a '99 Nissan Altima, correction, still drive a '99 Nissan Altima. The problem for me was that I couldn't get my ass out of bed in the morning and it was killing my ability to be as effective at my job as I wanted to be. My productivity was completely tied to luck most days. I hoped every day that the stars would align perfectly so that things would work out.

I was notorious for not being a morning person. Friends would joke about it and tell their favorite, "That one time that I woke Brandon up in the morning", stories. Then a funnier thing happened, I decided to grow up a little (just a little) and change the way I approached the mornings. It has dramatically changed the way my day is executed and has significantly increased my personal productivity in all areas of my life, mentally, spiritually, socially etc.

There are still a lot of people who will read this and relate to this story because they had this same experience just this morning. These same people will also wonder why they don't get to places on time and why they always seem to be frantically running around trying to get things accomplished. In some cases, a reputation may be damaged by this behavior. I know because I have been there.

If your day is not going the way you want it to, the good news is that you have control over that situation. One of the best ways to get a good start on your day is to start it at the right time. In many cases, this means getting up earlier. It will suck at first and you wont like it but once you get yourself in the routine, it will get easier. So start tomorrow morning by committing to getting up a half hour earlier than normal and see what it does for your day and who knows maybe over time you can become the morning person that everyone else wants to punch in the face.

True Love - How to Keep the Magic in Your Romantic Relationship

Wouldn't it be nice if we could take a magic pill and have a perfect relationship?

You know it's not that easy, and there is no such thing as the perfect relationship, but . . .

it is possible to have a darn good relationship, if you apply my two-part formula for making love last. I've used various versions of this basic formula for almost three decades to help couples solve their relationship problems and enjoy satisfying relationships that last.

Yes, relationships are complicated and there are many aspects to very good ones, but if you do two things especially well, you can improve the quality of your relationship in significant ways. And the formula is so simple it almost seems too good to be true.

The Two-Step Formula

Step one

Banish negativity and negativity, and overcome misguided tendencies to complain about what's wrong . . . become the most positive person you can be.

In other words, cultivate optimism and develop an iron-clad irrepressible positive mental attitude.

Find the beauty and joy in life and reflect it like a mirror to others, including your beloved special one.

Nothing, in the long run, will make you happier, healthier and sexier than a good attitude. In fact, it will help you to live longer!

People love being around a positive person, and will do almost anything to spend time with you if you are one of the most positive people they know.

So go for the gusto: learn to be more positive than you ever dreamed you'd be. You'll keep that big love of yours, and you'll make sizzling romance happen every day.

Step Two

Employ your natural sense of humor in everyday life situations and in your most precious relationships to make everyone relax and enjoy being with you more. A cultivated sense of humor is a secret weapon for romance!

Giving the ones you love the benefit of your delightful and humorous self is like writing a big old love letter to them!

Train yourself to be humorous and to use your humor skills at the right time -- when they are needed! A good sense of humor has stopped many a foolish argument and turned countless tense situations into happy ones.

And humor has brought smiles to faces for centuries.

Although everyone has a sense of humor, they may not use it, or they may not have the confidence to rely on it. But that can be changed!

Train your sense of humor to help you get through the tough times -- you probably already use your sense of humor in this way. Don't try to be a comedian, just use your natural ability to be funny and trust it.

A little laughter can be the world's greatest medicine -- and what wonders it can do for your relationship! Successful relationships are built on trust, love and loyalty, and successful couples have a humorous way of looking at life and at themselves.

Big Tip

Try stretching your sense of humor so you can use it in any situation. Use it to break the ice or to keep your relationship from becoming too serious. Practice makes perfect. Take it out of the closet, dust it off and start using it!

Life was meant to be enjoyed, and we learn and grow fastest when we are having fun! Start adding a touch of humor to everyday tasks, every learning situation and all the big events of your life.

Bedroom Magic

And don't forget humor works like a charm in the bedroom, too. If you try something and it feels awkward or doesn't quite work, you won't have to turn red, as long as you are seeing the humorous side of things. No need to feel like a fool, and you and your partner can laugh in a good-natured way about it.

A sense of humor is a great turn-on, and it will keep working for you, long after you've gotten the love of your life . . . and it will help you to keep him/her.

Keep in mind, when you go through life with a powerful positive attitude and a well cultivated sense of humor, you'd better be prepared for success. You will be popular and in demand. And you'll be prepared to make your most precious relationships work for you!

Richard Hamon is a dynamic coach and therapist with 30 years of professional experience. Richard helps people to solve their relationship problems, enjoy truly extraordinary marriages and find exceptional success in all areas of their lives.

You'll find all kinds of articles on how to spice up your relationships and lead a happier life at Richard's website, Find out about personal coaching programs to assist you in quickly reaching your loftiest goals. Discover eBooks, relaxation CDs and other informative products, such as a free relationship quiz to help you assess your relationship.