In this article I'd like to teach you to become sensational in bed. It's pretty simple...and does NOT take some astronomical feats of physical strength, endurance or other stuff you MAY believe she really wants you to show! The truth is that MOST women are simply NOT enjoying sex with their male partners NEARLY as much as they would have you believe....and if You are like most men out there, the chances are, you are probably NOT getting the job done as well as you think! I know, I know....many guys get upset when I say this and think I'm full of you know what....but the FACTS don't lie...and up to 90% of women claim they've FAKED an orgasms with their current partner. (and HALF admit they prefer shopping over sex!)
Be Better in Bed: Simple Tips, Sensational Results
The number #1 secret to becoming a better lover is actually very simple. Slow down. Breathe in. Take your time. Learn the landscape! Foreplay is fabulous. Does this sound trite and cliché? I hope so....because it's TRUE! Most men are under the misguided impression that a woman's body can keep UP with yours from the standpoint of erotic arousal, and orgasmic speed...and it's simply NOT true!
The real key to giving her an experience that is at least EQUALLY as powerful as yours is learning to understand the quiet signs, signals and sensual stories HER body tells when you are in those most intimate moments.
Ambiance is Important Too!
A woman is often far more sensory driven than a man as well when it comes to ambiance and lovemaking environment. Learning to heighten her pleasure by lighting her senses afire is a VERY easy way to speed UP her sensuality, and keep her fire burning at the same temperature as yours! How? Music. Mood. Color and light. These are ALL part of the amazing vortex of visual and sensory stimulations that a woman so desperately craves. Give her all of this and more and REAP the rewards of a very happy woman!
And One Last thing...Remember:
Women admit that they would prefer a man who COMMUNICATES passionately during sex (which means she wants a little lusty dialogue, they want you to learn the landscape a bit better ( understand her body) and they PREFER a man who has a powerful anatomy a thicker penis is preferable You can improve all three of these with JUST a little effort..and in my experience, the REWARDS they offer are EACH worth their weight in earth shaking orgasmic gold.